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The Laser Geek, learning to laser leather

Adding new tools to the toolbox is always a good idea, and I am excited for a new challenge. I've finally made the jump and added a laser to my workshop. While initially intimidating, this opens up a whole new set of possibilities, not only for my leatherwork, but for working in other mediums as well.

The laser I'm now working with is a Muse from Full Spectrum Laser. ( It comes with its own software, and has a built in camera that allows you to see where you place your material in the laser bed. Pretty neat!

I've been steadily learning different designing programs, including Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape. There are some quirks between getting your artwork designed properly for laser use and getting the laser software to etch it how you want, but once you figure those out it is fairly smooth sailing. So far I've really been enjoying the Muse.

I’m slowly designing different items for my friends and family (Dice towers for RPGs, cutting boards etc), which gives me an opportunity to learn Illustrator, and practice using the laser. Since every laser is different, you have to learn your specific machine, and what settings produce what level of burn in your material. Every material is different every time (like dying leather honestly) so it’s great to use test scrap to fine tune your settings.

Stay tuned for lasering leather!

Dragon Dice Tower by The Leather Geek

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